November 1, 2017
|By admin
For children to learn easily at school, they must have automatic movement skills. They must be able to use one part of their body independently from other parts, be able to cross over the midline of the body, and be able to sit still when required. Children who have difficulties with these motor skills will have more difficulty with reading, writing and general classroom coping skills.
A quality pre-school program is essential, but a neurologically based movement program – like KindyROO – can help ensure your child is ready for learning.
What happens in a KindyROO School Readiness Class?
- Age-specific exercises that focus on laterality, cross pattern work and independent function of individual body parts – i.e. right hand/left foot.
- Activities using small equipment that refine hand-eye coordination skills, e.g. hoops, balls, bean bags. At KindyROO we use Perceptual Motor Program games that are fun and specifically target the maturation of areas of the brain that help make learning at school easier.
- Group games and relays that encourage team work.
- Language and pre-reading activities that promote literacy skills in readiness for reading at school including specific word and phrase visualisation, and auditory stimulation activities.
- Music, dance and singing.
- Parachute games.
- Very specific climbing, balancing, crawling, jumping, swinging and hanging skill work on our specialised gym equipment – to fine-tune co-ordination, concentration, and motor skills.
- Individual activities designed specifically for children to help them to be ‘School Ready’.